Tuesday, June 15, 2010

President Museveni can still be defeated.

Previously in Monitor daily paper, It was reported that.Museveni has 43% of the electorate.  M7 needs about 7.5% to win a majority. But 18% of the voters are not committed to M7.  Half of those voters--or 9%--could go to Kizza Besigye.  The other 9% could be divided among the other candidates--including M7.

One of the first things Besigye and any other winner from the opposition should do, if he wins, is to use his time in office to change the Constitution to impose either a one six-year term limit, or two 4-year term limits on the Presidency.

If Mr Besigye wants to go down in African history as a positive influence and an example for all other heads-of-state to follow, he should gracefully step down and the end of this constitutional limit, and support his replacement.

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